With a little more research, I learned that every single disposable diaper ever made is still in existence filling up our landfills and polluting our Earth. They don't biodegrade. They will still be here long after even our children's children.
Right around this time, I got pregnant with baby number two and I realized that we would be spending double to diaper two babies. We were already spending about $70 a month on disposable diapers and wipes for one baby. The thought of spending $140 plus to diaper two babies was the kicker for me.
Now, I'm proud to be a cloth-diapering mom! I don't cloth diaper 100% of the time (Kudos to all those parents who do!!!), but every time I put a cloth diaper on one of my girls, I feel good knowing that it's one less disposable diaper I had to buy, one less diaper going in a landfill for eternity, and one less time that my baby was exposed to the toxins in disposable diapers. Plus, babies look so adorable in cloth!