Soda is not your friend . . .

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

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How Do You Resist?

Monday, August 9, 2010

Sadly, I must confess that for me Sour Cream and Onion Potato Chips are like crack . . . one is too many and the whole bag isn't enough.  If there was a twelve step program for potato chip addicts, I would be a prime candidate.  

Being a personal trainer and health enthusiast, I obviously know that chips are full of fat, salt and empty calories, and yet I crave them.  Every time I pass them in the grocery store, I must resist the urge to take them home with me.  I never buy them, because I know that I will devour the entire bag (no matter the size).  At parties and other social gatherings, I usually won't touch them, because I don't want to be the greedy guest who ate the whole bowl of chips.  However, my willpower is only so strong.  Once the chips are in my house all bets are off, so if my husband or another guest brings them to a cook-out or a party, I usually end up on a "potato chip bender."

So my question to you is do you have food(s) that really test your willpower?  If so, what food is it and how do you resist?

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