We don’t always work as a team; occasionally we even work against each other. Sometimes my husband goes on a baking kick when I’m trying my best to stay away from sweets. (Let me tell you the man could tempt Jack LeLanne with some of his delicious concoctions.) Sometimes, my husband is focused, and I’m off track. It goes both ways.
I chose to write this blog, because I know first-hand that life can get crazy and that it’s easy to lose your focus when it comes to health, fitness and nutrition. I invite you to join me and my family as we try our bests to give our fitness and our nutrition the attention and focus needed to achieve the good health that all of us deserve! I know that like us, you won’t be 100% on track with your health, fitness and nutrition 100% of the time, but every effort you give it is worth it! Little changes have the power to make a big difference!
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